Durable Power of Attorney
A properly executed Power of Attorney allows someone to sign your name on documents at your request or if you are incapacitated, in your best interests. This is a powerful document that helps avoid the need for a guardianship of your loved one later and ensures that even if your loved one loses capacity, proper steps can be taken on their behalf. The Power of Attorney law changed June 2021, leaving a whole new form which must used. The Falcone Law Firm keeps abreast of all the changes in the laws and we have all of the newest forms for its clients.
Health Care Proxy
A document whereby you name someone to make health care decisions for you if you can’t make them for yourself.
Disposition of Remains document
This is a legal document where you name someone to handle your remains after you die. This is a valuable form that allows you to state your wishes (cremation or burial; location of funeral; special wishes) with the force of law. Also avoids family disputes over who will be making decisions about your remains after you pass.
Living Will
A document that expresses your wishes to your family in the event you are in a terminal situation that will lead to your passing. It discusses artificial nutrition and hydration as well as life support and pain management wishes.